Geometry Classes

Coordinate(values, units, resolution)

Create new instance of Coordinate(values, units, resolution)

BoundingBox(left, bottom, right, top)

Bounding box, defining extent in cartesian coordinates.


Wrapper around pyproj.CRS for backwards compatibility.

Geometry(geom[, crs])

2D Geometry with CRS

GeoBox(width, height, affine, crs)

Defines the location and resolution of a rectangular grid of data, including its CRS.

BoundingBox(left, bottom, right, top)

Bounding box, defining extent in cartesian coordinates.

GeoboxTiles(box, tile_shape)

Partition GeoBox into sub geoboxes

GridSpec(crs, tile_size, resolution[, origin])

Definition for a regular spatial grid.


Raised when a CRS error occurs.


Raised when geometry operation is attempted on geometries in different coordinate references.