Ingesting Data


Ingestion is no longer recommended. While it was used as an optimised on-disk storage mechanism, there are a range of reasons why this is no longer ideal. For example the emergence of cloud optimised storage formats means that software such as GDAL and Rasterio are optimised for reading many files over the network. Additionally the limitation of NetCDF reading to a single thread means that reading from .TIF files on disk could be faster in some situations.

In addition to limited performance improvements, ingestion leads to duplication of data and opinionated decisions, such as reprojection of data, which can lead to a loss of data fidelity.

The section below is being retained for completion, but should be considered optional.


Ingestion is no longer recommended. While it was used as an optimised on-disk storage mechanism, there are a range of reasons why this is no longer ideal. For example the emergence of cloud optimised storage formats means that software such as GDAL and Rasterio are optimised for reading many files over the network. Additionally the limitation of NetCDF reading to a single thread means that reading from .TIF files on disk could be faster in some situations.

In addition to limited performance improvements, ingestion leads to duplication of data and opinionated decisions, such as reprojection of data, which can lead to a loss of data fidelity.

The section below is being retained for completion, but should be considered optional.

Congratulations, you’re ready to ingest some data. If you’ve made it this far you should already have some data indexed, and want to tile it up into a faster storage format or projection system.


Fig. 4 Ingest Data

Ingestion Configuration

An Ingestion Configuration file defines a mapping from the way one set of Datasets is stored, into a new storage scheme for the data. This will be recorded in the index as a new Products, and the data will be manipulated and written out to disk in the new format.

An Ingestion Config is written in YAML and contains the following:

  • which measurements are stored

  • what projection the data is stored in

  • what resolution the data is stored in

  • how data is tiled

  • where the data is stored

  • how the data should be resampled and compressed

Multiple ingestion configurations can be kept around to ingest datasets into different projections, resolutions, etc.

Ingestion Config

An ingestion config is a document which defines the way data should be prepared for high performance access. This can include slicing the data into regular chunks, reprojecting into to the desired projection and compressing the data.

An Ingestion Config is written in YAML and contains the following:

  • Source Product name - source_type

  • Output Product name - output_type

  • Output file location and file name template

  • Global metadata attributes

  • Storage format, specifying:

    • Driver

    • CRS

    • Resolution

    • Tile size

    • Tile Origin

  • Details about measurements:

    • Output measurement name

    • Source measurement name

    • Resampling method

    • Data type

    • Compression options


Name of the output Product. It’s used as a human-readable identifer. Must be unique and consist of alphanumeric characters and/or underscores.

description (optional)

A human-readable description of the output Product.


Directory to write the output storage units.


File path pattern defining the name of the storage unit files. TODO: list available substitutions


File level (NetCDF) attributes


Storage type format. Currently only ‘NetCDF CF’ is supported


Definition of the output coordinate reference system for the data to be stored in. May be specified as an EPSG code or WKT.


Size of the tiles for the data to be stored in specified in projection units. Use latitude and longitude if the projection is geographic, otherwise use x and y


Coordinates of the bottom-left or top-left corner of the (0,0) tile specified in projection units. If coordinates are for top-left corner, ensure that the latitude or y dimension of tile_size is negative so tile indexes count downward. Use latitude and longitude if the projection is geographic, otherwise use x and y


Resolution for the data to be stored in specified in projection units. Negative values flip the axis. Use latitude and longitude if the projection is geographic, otherwise use x and y


Size of the internal NetCDF chunks in ‘pixels’.


Order of the dimensions for the data to be stored in. Use latitude and longitude if the projection is geographic, otherwise use x and y. TODO: currently ignored. Is it really needed?


Mapping of the input measurement names as specified in the dataset-metadata-doc to the per-measurement ingestion parameters


Data type to store the data in. One of (u)int(8,16,32,64), float32, float64


Resampling method. One of nearest, cubic, bilinear, cubic_spline, lanczos, average.


Name of the NetCDF variable to store the data in.

nodata (optional)

No data value

Ingest Some Data

A command line tool is used to ingest data

datacube ingest

Ingest datasets

datacube ingest [OPTIONS]


-c, --config-file <config_file>

Ingest configuration file

--year <year>

Limit the process to a particular year

--queue-size <queue_size>

Task queue size

--save-tasks <save_tasks>

Save tasks to the specified file

--load-tasks <load_tasks>

Load tasks from the specified file

-d, --dry-run

Check if everything is ok


Allow the output product definition to be updated if it differs.

--executor <executor>

Run parallelized, either locally or distributed. eg: –executor multiproc 4 (OR) –executor distributed

Configuration samples are available as part of the open source Github repository.